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Beyond "Good Carbs" vs. "Bad Carbs"A New Approach to Assessing Carbohydrates

Low carb eating is very popular, but is it ideal for long term health? Join Registered Dietitian Emily Kinlaw as she discusses all you need to know about carbohydrates as part of your life, risks of low carb eating, and how you can utilize carbohydrates as a tool as a fueling tool and part of a healthy relationship with food.

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Beyond "Good Carbs" vs. "Bad Carbs" | Pre-recorded Webinar

Arguably one of the most common areas of questions and confusions that dietitians encounter with clients surround the topic of carbohydrates - to eat them or not to eat them? How much? When? Are certain types "better" than others? Low-carbohydrate eating is a popular topic today.

Emily will provide an overview of where we find carbohydrates, the role of carbohydrates, and the risks of low-carb eating.

January 24

Injury Prevention in Lifting and Competition: Physical Therapy Seminar

February 3

Protect Our Winters: Fundraiser, Movie, and Winter Stoke Party