The Redefined Approach
Our blog is designed to be a source of education, support, empowerment, and connection enabling you to become your best you. Read about our environmental impact, what our integrative approach to health and fitness looks like from the inside, the latest research on nutrition, and more.
Bridging Wellness and Environmental Stewardship
At Experience Momentum, we are continually striving to bridge the gap between personal health and wellness and environmental health and stewardship. Recognizing the inseparable link between human and planetary health, we recently organized our inaugural "Sweat for the Environment" fitness competition in celebration of Earth Day. Read more about how the event went and why we do it!
Why 1% For the Planet?
Find out why Experience Momentum became a 1% for the planet member and how you can join us this Earth Month to give back.
Creating a Brilliant 2024
Bring in the 2024 New Year with intention as we explore tangible, easy ways steps to put you on a path towards a brilliant year!
Reevaluating Giving
Take time this month and focus on where you can give a little more of yourself, reevaluate where you are giving your attention, time, money; maybe it needs to start with you.
Bigger than Business
Experience Momentum has donated 1% of every single transaction, from each customer to an environmental nonprofit for the last 10 years to help take care of our planet, and we have no intention of stopping. We believe it is the least we can do as Planet Earth is the largest stakeholder in all our lives.
Micro Risks in Work & Life
Taking micro-risks is one way that founder and CEO Shanon Tysland has been able to build Experience Momentum and keep it relevant for over 16 years. Read about the lessons and journey in creating this field of dreams vision he had.