The Redefined Approach
Our blog is designed to be a source of education, support, empowerment, and connection enabling you to become your best you. Read about our environmental impact, what our integrative approach to health and fitness looks like from the inside, the latest research on nutrition, and more.
2025: Your Year of Possibility
Ready to make 2025 your year of growth and possibility? Explore five powerful life lessons on relationships, health, giving back, staying present, and embracing new experiences. Plus, discover inspiring stories and expert support from Experience Momentum to help you achieve your goals.
Redefining Possibilities: Reflecting on the Milestones of 2024
As the year comes to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on the moments that defined 2024—the milestones achieved, the stories shared, and the resilience shown by so many in our Experience Momentum community.
Building Connections and Community through the Summer Meals Program
At its core, the Summer Meals Program, organized by the Nourishing Network and the Edmonds School District, is about more than just providing food to kids —it's an opportunity to create fun, engaging, and supportive environments that uplift our community’s youngest members.
Experience Momentum: A Holistic Approach to Healthcare
When I founded Experience Momentum, I had a bold vision: to create a space where people could truly thrive in every aspect of their lives. I wanted to go beyond conventional healthcare and focus not just on recovery from injuries but on fostering holistic well-being—physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Running the Cascade Crest 100: How Experience Momentum Helped Me Reach the Finish Line
We are thrilled to introduce Eric George who is not only a talented Licensed Massage Therapist at Experience Momentum, he is also an incredibly dedicated ultramarathon runner. Eric recently finished a 100 mile mountain race and we couldn't wait to hear his story.
Experience Momentum’s Positive Impact on Local Sports Medicine Programs
Experience Momentum Athletic Trainer, Erin Melton is a member of the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee for the Edmonds School District. Her work with this committee allows us at Experience Momentum to help contribute to the next generation of budding healthcare providers.